Wednesday, July 6, 2011


As most of my friends are aware, I am not shy about voicing opinions or asking for an ear when it comes to things I am passionate about.  That being said, it's time to hop on my soapbox and ask for a minute of your time. Childhood is a time for growth, exploration, learning, simplicity, and health to enjoy all of the above.  However, there are many children who are not able to grow, explore, or learn because they lack the last item: health.  With so many childhood diseases and illness, and tragic cases of abuse or neglect, it is hard to fathom why we would want to bring a child into this world, until you have one of your own.  You realize that one of the greatest blessings in life is holding and nurturing that child inside your body, and as the saying goes, wearing your heart outside your body.  I have many friends whose children are labeled "special needs".  Various illnesses or genetic abnormalities have blasted a hole in the idyllic life that many of them once had pictured.  It is a constant struggle to gain recognition, assistance, or even acceptance in a world more concerned with perfection than humanity.  Cerebral Palsy, SMA, Autism, ADHD, Cystic Fibrosis, Down's syndrome, Prader-Willi Syndrome, Dyslexia...All of these are real, heart-rending conditions that many of my friends compete with on a daily basis, and I am amazed everyday by their strength, courage, and resilience.  I see the looks, hear the comments, watch the rude behavior toward them and it infuriates me. When will learn the lesson? There is a blog called The Life Unexpected.  Check it out...and remember: Blessed are the children, and their parents for they are the ones with valor.

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