Friday, June 17, 2011

Friendship...part 1...

Someone once said that friends are family that you choose. I believe that. So many of my friends are, indeed, a part of my family.  My crazy, wonderful, neurotic, fabulous, dramatic, and, all other ways, family. No two of my friends are the same. They all bring something wonderful to the table. I have amazing stories to tell from so many great times spent with them, and I have some not-so-amazing stories, too. I have a list of friends who have been and gone, and I still thank them for the lessons that they taught me (Not all of them good, of course, but still...). Time and distance separate a lot of us, but I am closer to many who are far away than a lot who are right next door. The ones who are meant to stay in our lives, will and do.  Those are friendships to treasure.

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