Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Lucky kid...great town...

My daughter is a lucky kid.  We don't have much, but we have a lot more than some, and for that, I am thankful.  However, there are times when I wish I could provide so much more than what I do for my daughter. I work 40+ hours a week between my job and cleaning my daughter's day care so I can afford to take her there. I work right through the swimming lessons, karate, dance, and horseback riding lessons that so many of her friends take, but even if they weren't right in the middle of my work day, I wouldn't be able to afford them anyway.  So what's a mom to do?  
Well, in this town, a mom just has to ask for a little help.  This year has been a big year for little miss...She got to take ballet lessons from a wonderful woman who put her on a scholarship after scheduling a Saturday class, and she's getting swimming lessons and a week at a horseback riding camp from women who need some help around their houses.  It will require a little more sweat from Mama, but hey, let's face it, we are willing to pretty much do anything for our kids right?!  I am so proud to live in a community that understands that we can't all spend green paper to be able to provide fun, safe, learning experiences for our kids!  Don't get me wrong, I don't want her booked every minute of everyday, and, in fact, have not schedule more than one thing at a time since we started all of this, but I want her to find her "happy". You don't find it unless you try, right? We tried the T-ball thing, and she says she doesn't want to do it next year (bummer for Mom, who is a 30 year baseball/softball junkie!), but let's see what next season brings!
I digress. The point to this story is that I live in a town that helps kids like mine experience things that a lot of children in our circumstances may not. I hope one day that she pays it forward to another kid who might need a leg up!  

1 comment:

  1. I have a friend who asked around the college she wanted too go to and she got a full ride, plus books, and a 5 item meal ticket plus $1,000 a month to go back to school and she does not have to pay it back. In our state if your parents did not go to college then you are eliagable for free aid or something like that. Pretty cool.
